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Top 10 Pictures That Shocked The World
1. Tragedy of Omayra Sanchez (Frank Fourier)
Frank Fournier captured the tragic image of Omayra Sanchez trapped in mud and collapsed buildings. The eruption of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano in Colombia 1985 triggered a massive mudslide. It devastated towns and killed 25,000 people.
After 3 days of struggling, Omayra died due to hypothermia and gangrene. Her tragic death accentuated the failure of officials to respond quickly and save the victims of Colombia’s worst ever natural disaster. Frank Fournier took this photo shortly before Omayra died. Her agonizing death was followed live on TV by hundreds of millions of people around the world and started a major controversy. May her soul rest in peace…
2. Operation Lion Heart (Deanne Fitzmaurice)
Pulitzer Prize award winning photojournalist Deanne Fitzmaurice won the highly respected award in 2005 for the photographic essay “Operation Lion Heart.”
“Operation Lion Heart” is the story of a 9-year-old Iraqi boy who was severely injured by an explosion during one of the most violent conflicts of modern history – the Iraq War. The boy was brought to a hospital in Oakland, CA where he had to undergo dozens of life-and-death surgeries. His courage and unwillingness to die gave him the nickname: Saleh Khalaf, “Lion Heart”.
Deanne Fitzmaurice’s shocking photographs ran in the San Francisco Chronicle in a five-part series written by Meredith May
3. Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984 (Pablo Bartholomew)
Pablo Bartholomew is an acclaimed Indian photojournalist who captured the Bhopal Gas Tragedy into his lens. Twenty-six years have passed since India’s worst industrial catastrophe injured 558,125 people and killed as many as 15,000. Because safety standards and maintenance procedures had been ignored at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, a leak of methyl isocyanate gas and other chemicals triggered a massive environmental and human disaster. Photographer Pablo Bartholomew rushed to document the catastrophe. He came across a man who was burying a child. This scene was photographed by both Pablo Bartholomew and Raghu Rai, another renowned Indian photojournalist. “This expression was so moving and so powerful to tell the whole story of the tragedy”, said Raghu Rai.
4. After the Tsunami (Arko Datta)
One of the most representative and striking photos of the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami was taken by Reuters photographer Arko Datta in Tamil Nadu. He won the World Press Photo competition of 2004. Kathy Ryan, jury member and picture editor of The New York Times Magazine, characterized Datta’s image as a “graphic, historical and starkly emotional picture.”
“After the Tsunami” illustrates an Indian woman lying on the sand with her arms outstretched, mourning a dead family member. Her relative was killed by one of the deadliest natural disasters that we have ever seen: the Indian Ocean tsunami.
5. World Trade Center 9/11 (Steve Ludlum)
The power of Steve Ludlum’s photos are astounding, and the written description only tends to dilute the impact. The consequences of the second aircraft crashing into New York’s WTC were devastating: fireballs erupted and smoke billowed from the skyscrapers anticipating the towers’ collapse and monstrous dust clouds.
6. The Power of One (Oded Balilty)
In 2006, Israeli authorities ordered the evacuation of illegal outposts, such as Amona. Oded Balilty, an Israeli photographer for the Associated Press, was present when the evacuation degenerated into violent and unprecedented clashes between settlers and police officers. The picture shows a brave woman rebelling against authorities.
Like many pictures on this list, “The Power of One” has been another subject of major controversy. Ynet Nili is the 16-year-old Jewish settler from the above picture. According to Ynet, “a picture like this one is a mark of disgrace for the state of Israel and is nothing to be proud of. The picture looks like it represents a work of art, but that isn’t what went on there. What happened in Amona was totally different.” Nili claims the police beat her up very harshly. “You see me in the photograph, one against many, but that is only an illusion – behind the many stands one man – (Prime Minister Ehud) Olmert, but behind me stand the Lord and the people of Israel.”
7. After the Storm (Patrick Farrell)
Miami Herald photographer Patrick Farrell captured the harrowing images of the victims of Haiti in 2008. Farrell documented the Haitian tragedy with impressive black-and-white stills. The subject of “After the Storm” is a boy who is trying to save a stroller after the tropical storm Hanna struck Haiti.
More photos of Patrick Farrell: A People in Despair: Haiti’s year without mercy
8. Thailand Massacre (Neil Ulevich)
Neal Ulevich won the 1977 Pulitzer Prize for a “series of photographs of disorder and brutality in the streets of Bangkok, Thailand” (
The Thammasat University Massacre took place on October 6, 1976. It was a very violent attack on students who were demonstrating against Field Marshall Thanom Kittikachorn.
F. M. T. Kittikachorn was a dictator who was planning to come back to Thailand. The return of the military dictator from exile provoked very violent protests. Protestors and students were beaten, mutilated, shot, hung and burnt to death.
9. War Underfoot (Carolyn Cole)
Los Angeles Times photographer Carolyn Cole took this terrifying photo during her assignment in Liberia. It shows the devastating effects of the Liberian Civil War.
Bullet casings cover entirely a street in Monrovia. The Liberian capital was the worst affected region, because it was the scene of heavy fighting between government soldiers and rebel forces.
9. War Underfoot (Carolyn Cole)
Los Angeles Times photographer Carolyn Cole took this terrifying photo during her assignment in Liberia. It shows the devastating effects of the Liberian Civil War.
Bullet casings cover entirely a street in Monrovia. The Liberian capital was the worst affected region, because it was the scene of heavy fighting between government soldiers and rebel forces.
Sajadah cahaya, solusi jitu tentukan arah kiblat dengan tepat!
Seberapa sering ketika anda ingin menunaikan ibadah sholat disuatu tempat namun bingung menentukan posisi arah kiblat?. Masalah ini di masa yang akan datang mungkin tidak akan anda jumpai lagi apabila anda memiliki sajadah cahaya ini.
Sajadah cahaya karya Soner Ozenc ini diklaim akan sangat memudahkan seorang muslim untuk mengetahui dimana arah kiblat secara tepat saat ingin menunaikan sholat.
Cahaya yang berpendar pada sajadah futuristik ini tercipta berkat gabungan teknologi Electroluminescent Fosfor.
Sajadah yang diberi nama Sajjadah 1426 ini akan bercahaya semakin terang bila digelar tepat menghadap arah kiblat.
Sebaliknya, cahaya akan semakin redup bila arah sajadah digeser menjauhi kiblat.
Belum diketahui berapa harga jual sajadah bercahaya ini.
Namun dalam pameran perdana di Kuwait belum lama ini banyak peminat yang berkeinginan memiliki sajadah ini.
Modul berbasis kompas canggih yang tertanam di dalam sajada akan menuntun arah kiblat dengan menunjukkan cahaya paling terang bila arah kiblat sudah tepat.
Sajadah ini tentu bermanfaat bila kita berada di hotel atau tempat baru yang belum jelas arah kiblatnya. Jika anda bingung menentukan kemana arah kiblat secara tepat, anda cukup menghamparkan sajadah ini ke lantai dan menggesernya saja.
Urbee: Mobil Pertama Yang Dibuat Dengan ‘Cetakan’ 3D
Urbee dibuat bisa bertahan hingga 30 tahun. Pemimpin proyek Jim Kor, mengatakan pada MailOnline, “Bagi kami, pengungkapan ini merupakan peristiwa penting dalam sejarah.”
Dibawahnya terdapat mesin hybrid minyak dan listrik yang membantu membuatnya salah satu mobil paling ramah lingkungan di dunia.
Para ahli mengatakan mobil ini menggunakan delapan kali lebih sedikit energi daripada kendaraans erupa dan mampu melaju pada kecepatan 200 mil per galon (0.4 kilometer per liter) di jalanan.
Ia juga memiliki desain yang halus dan futuristik yang membuatnya tampak seperti properti dari sebuah film fiksi ilmiah seperti Fifth Element.
Namun proses ‘pencetakan’-nya lah yang menarik begitu banyak perhatian: ini benar-benar berbeda dari caranormal pabrik-pabrik membuat mobil, yang membaut potongan-potongan bagian utama mobil di tempat yang seharusnya.
Ahli-ahli mesin yang mengerjakan Urbee meletakkan lapisan-lapisan material campuran ultra tipis diatas tiap satu sama lain sehingga mereka bersatu bersama untuk membuatnya menjadi 3D dalam proses yang disebut ‘produksi lapisan aditif’.
Kor mengatakan, “Kami adalah kelompok kecil desainer dan ahli mesin di Winnipeg yang mencoba membuat sebuah perbedaan.
Membuat hal-hal dengan cara ini dapat merevolusikan bagaimana kita memproduksi barang-barang. Ini sudah mengubah caraku berpikir tentang memproduksi barang.
Proses pencetakan 3D ini yang berubah menjadi ‘pemroduksian digital’ akan mengubah cara kita mengganti bagian-bagian didalam mesin-mesin.”
Urbee yang pembuatannya memakan waktu 15 tahun, memiliki tiga roda, dua tempat duduk dan mesin pembakaran untuk situasi darurat. Bisa diisi ulang dengan colokan listrik biasa atau dari sebuah panel surya atau turbin angin.
Urbee memiliki mesin silinder tunggal yang kecil yang menghasilkan delapan tenaga kuda. Meski demikian dia bisa mencapai kecepatan 70mph jika perlu karena mobil ini begitu ringan dan efisien. Firma Kor EcoLogic diKanada yang mendesainnya, menekankan bahwa mobil ini dapat terus hidup/berfungsi untuk keperluan sehari-hari.
“Proses ini dapat mengolah banyak material, dan target kami adalah menggunakan material-material daur-ulang.”
Meski prototype-nya telah selesai dibuat, namun Urbee masih belum dapat dibeli. Tim dibalik Urbee harus menggalang dana untuk prototype kedua, yang akan memakan biaya setidaknya $1juta.
Jika nanti sudah dapat dibeli, Urbee baru akan dihargai $5,000, meski ada kemungkinan harganya akan turun jika diproduksi massal kelak.
Di lain sisi, golongan medis melirik revolusi pembuatan lapisan aditif ini untuk ‘mencetak’ organ tubuh prostetik dengan ukuran dan bentuk yang bisa mereka sesuaikan.