Ini jembatan yang menghubungkan Pulau Russky dan Vladivostok akan menjadi pemecah rekor. Ini harus menara jembatan tertinggi (320 meter) dan kabel bracing terpanjang (580 meter). Kapal dari semua jenis akan dapat pergi di bawah itu

This bridge connecting Vladivostok and Russky Island is going to be record-breaking. It’s going to have to tallest bridge tower (320 meters) and the longest bracing wires (580 meters). Ships of all kinds will be able to go under it.

A view from the bridge.

They’re building one more bridge between Vladivostok and Russky Island to connect two parts of the city. The roadbed is situated at a hight of 65 meters above sea level which will also allow ships to go under it.

This bridge connecting Vladivostok and Russky Island is going to be record-breaking. It’s going to have to tallest bridge tower (320 meters) and the longest bracing wires (580 meters). Ships of all kinds will be able to go under it.
A view from the bridge.
They’re building one more bridge between Vladivostok and Russky Island to connect two parts of the city. The roadbed is situated at a hight of 65 meters above sea level which will also allow ships to go under it.
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